over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 07:52:26 AM
Hello all!
We have a couple of updates for you today (and there will be another one later that we know some of you have been waiting on)!
So, first and foremost, stretch goals!!!!
We surpassed our last stretch goal! So, now everyone will be getting that extra story! But that means we need a new goal! And we know just what to get you. How's that second mini-print sound?
We also have another metal cover to add to the mix. Last week we announced Gregbo's fabulous cover. Now we want to put it on metal too! Remember, there's only 10 copies of each available! So if this is something you want, you should get on it immediately!
And don't forget, we still have a few of the other Metal covers left. The Marmewa cover in particular we think is going to be gone soon!
There WILL be another update this evening. So, check back. This is one many of you have been waiting for!
We have a cool one to share this morning with you. It's a steampunk story that we've backed the original issues on, and we can attest that it is worth the read! The book is called Pneumatic Cases, and it is the first trade!
Lord and Lady Ravenscroft are two brilliant scientists and inventors whose Bohemian lifestyle and inventive ways are in direct contrast to the staid and proper ways of Victorian Era London.
Served faithfully by their steam-driven metallic Majordomo, Pneuman, and armed with a variety of elaborate self-created inventions, the Ravenscroft's pursue the one vocation that brings excitement into their world... solving murders!
Head over and check it out now!
Thanks all!
Mystery Cover 2!!!
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 06:18:05 AM
Here we go. Mystery Cover 2 Reveal!!!!
You guys know we can't have a Cheerleader campaign without Gregbo!
So here it is! Drawn by Gregbo, and colored by Gweneldig!
Take a look! As usual this is a new reward level, and it will be an add-on as well!
And then we have a cool project for you!
We love these comics. They take the old mythologies and spin them on their heads, usually in a cool and sexy way. Take a look!
The ancient Scandinavians believed in the existence of many supernatural beings inhabiting different worlds. An important place among these beings was occupied by dwarves, exceptionally talented craftsmen, whose real pride was blacksmithing and goldsmithing. It was to their mastery that the Norse gods owed such magical items as Odin’s never-missing spear, Thor’s hammer that returned after every throw, or Frey’s ship that could be folded to very small size.
Head on over and check it out!
Thanks all!
Lenticular Cover!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 08:34:01 AM
All right everyone!
We are at the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas this week!
But while we were traveling overnight, you guys got us over that last stretch goal!
So, we are officially unlocking the Lenticular Cover Add-On.
These are going to be a limited edition. Like the holofoils, we will only be printing what is ordered! However, we are ALSO going to cap the orders at 50! These will not be available anywhere else after the Kickstarter!
Take a look how the image changes!
You will be able to add one of these special limited covers on for only $40! So, grab it while you can!
We have a quick one here. Literally, you have to check this one out NOW since there's only a few hours left! We back these comics, and we are always recommending them. Trust us when we say you'll like it.
All right! Gotta run!
Thanks all!
Sneak Peak and a Free Comic!
almost 2 years ago
– Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 06:08:17 PM
Hey all,
We're still moving right along with the campaign. We can't wait to get your guys over that next stretch goal! We're inching along and should be there soon! But in the meantime...
Well, if you've followed our projects for a while, you know that we here are fans of of classic sci-fi and horror movies. We love those old black and white movies where you can see the zipper on the monster's suit and the wires holding up the flying saucers.
We love interweaving these classic-styled stories with our own adult materials to make something entertaining for us all! But that being said, when we started thinking about this idea for Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders 1969, we thought what better way to start the story than with one of these movies? I mean, after all, we have our main character, 18-year-old Lisa, on a date. And what was a popular destination for dates at that time?
The Drive-In, of course.
So, we decided we were going to begin the story with a little scene at the drive-in where Lisa and her date were watching one of these classic (and probably awfully-made) sci-fi movies.
So, here we have, the first 2 pages of the book (sans dialogue) for a special preview for you guys!
We think that Erik Tomayo caught the essence of the experience perfectly on these pages, and we hope you agree.
We have a really cool suggestion for you tonight. As well as a free comic (link below). Take a look at the description, and be sure to check this one out. We can attest Comix Tribe does not make bad books, this one is no exception, and if you don't believe me, they have given me a PDF to let you guys download! So, definitely take a look!
Happy Hill is a supernatural vacation thriller and horror action dramedy about the deadly consequences of the pursuit of happiness. When a young girl goes missing at the exotic Happy Hill resort, all its sinister secrets will come to light...
Be our guest and enjoy the first issue from Joe Mulvey, Rich Douek and ComixTribe absolutely free:
And collect the entire thrilling series on Kickstarter now:
Thanks all!
New Covers!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 04:48:23 AM
Hey there!
We have a long update for you this morning, because we have sooo much we need to tell you! These first few days have been amazing. We're coming into the first weekend of the campaign, and so much is happening!
So, first and foremost, we passed that last stretch goal last night! And we promised you something special to unlock for the next one. So here we are!
"But wait," you say. "This looks just like the other C.B. Zane cover. What's so special about that?"
We're glad you asked. And we will answer that question, with one of our own. Can the original cover do this????
Yes, that's right!
Our next stretch goal is going to unlock this awesome changing Lenticular Cover! This is a first for us, and we're super excited to be bringing it to you!
Not to be outdone though, we do have another stretch goal out there. We like giving little side and back stories with each of our Cheerleader books, and this one is no exception. Once we hit this goal, we will unlock another digital short story to go along with the comic!
But that's not all we have to announce this morning! We had hoped to do this one yesterday, but the graphic just wasn't ready yet. So, we have another couple of add-ons for you!
We have our foil cover with the Tie-Dye colors, perfectly fit for a sojourn to 1969! These holofoils will be limited to what is ordered. So if we have 20 people add them on, only 20 copies will be printed. If there's 50, there will only be 50 copies printed. You get the idea. Either way, this is still going to be a limited piece, and we hope that you take advantage of it! These covers are going to be psychedelic and beautiful!
And then, we know you love those poker chips. And all physical backers are already nabbing one. But we know you want more. And this has proven popular in the past, so we're offering it again. Extra poker chips!
And we're still not done yet!
Going into our first weekend, we also promised you we'd reveal the first of our mystery covers!
So, here it is!
This will have it's own pledge tier as well as add-ons. So, if it's something you like, then go for it!
The second mystery cover will be revealed sometime next week. Stay tuned!
Whew, I think that's all for our updates today!
We have a pair of comics for you this morning to look at.
The first one has a long title... Big Tiddie Goth Girlfriends on the Moon. And with a title like that, how can you not want to take a look at it?
A simple delivery mission for the goth colony goes....tits up! Our heroines, Kali and Grimm, are driven to form an unholy alliance to get their beloved ship & cargo back from the dreaded space pirate Esme' the Eternal!
32 pages of sci-fi comedy cute sexy fun!
Head on over and give it a look!
Then we have one called Fearless Dawn, and it looks great! The artwork on it especially!
The long-awaited origin story of Fearless Dawn is finally told! This is a great jumping on point for any comic book fans who are not familiar with this funny, sexy, stumbling super-heroine. Learn how the awkward Prissy Jones got her super-powers and how she creates her own costume of moose elks, action gloves and whoop-ass utility belt. The high octane series also features other colorful characters such as Brownhole Jones in Zombie Island Party, and Jungle Chick and the Dinosaur.
Head on over and check it out!
Thanks all!