
Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders: 1969 Comic One-Shot

Created by Dren Productions LLC

An adult horror comic that takes us back to the summer of love... and death.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

About Our Book Distribution
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:46:28 PM

Hey guys,

First, i will apologize if my grammar seems off on this, i am typing from my phone, which i am not the best at. 

So, as far as we've been told from the distributor, the books have all gone out. We've gotten some messages today from people who haven't gotten them yet. When we checked backerkit and got the tracking, in each case the books were in transit and were all, in fact, shipped by the 24th of January or before. This is what we saw with every inquiry we looked at today.

We know it has taken a long time to get these books, and we apologize. We also realize that comic stores got them before you, and that was never our intention. Probably too late to explain, but I will anyway. 

You were supposed to get these books before they went in stores. I believe 1969 hit shelves in November. You were supposed to get your books in October, but as we said before, the distributor was behind. The problem is, for the books that come out in November, we have to solicit in Diamond in September, which means we we actually submit these to Diamond in July, long before we realized there was a problem with distribution. To give you an idea, this week, we are soliciting titles in Diamond that will come out in June.

Also, our distributor is a completely separate entity from Diamond. So, having one distribution channel backed up had no effect on the other. Also, they will have caught up on all our projects by the end of this month, so there will be no waiting like this on future projects.

 So, our priorities havent shifted. We actually prioritize the Kickstarters. Just that for this one, we had really bad timing.  

We have tried to communicate with you when we had news to tell you. When we had nothing new to report, we didnt say anything. Obviously, that was wrong, and we will try to do better in the future. 

Anyway, we do thank you for your patience. We love getting these books to you, even if they are later than planned. We always strive to get the kickstarter backers their books first, and will continue to do so in the future.

Thank you.


Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders Return!
9 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 06:15:05 AM

Hey all,

The Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders are back with a whole new series. This time, they're on Spring Break!

After the events at Pullman University in Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders from Outer Space, they thought they had the space worms all bottled up. But two managed to escape, and made their way down to Daytona Beach for Spring Break! They plan to feed as much as they can. But something is wrong, one of the girls is regaining control of her senses. What are the space worms to do if she becomes fully aware of what she's doing? 

This new chapter in the Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders Saga will keep you wanting more, and wondering who the next victim will be. 

We launch in just a few short days (February 6). But if you want to get notified the moment it goes live, then click the link and click that Notify button! 

Check it out now.

Thanks all!


Books Shipping!!!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 08:48:01 AM

It's taken a while! Too long a while! But we are happy to report that the books have finally begun shipping!

Our distributor has begun sending out books, but they tell me that it will probably be the end of next week before all of the domestic ones get shipped, and then they will start working on the international orders. 

We are so happy to FINALLY be able to bring you this news! We thank you all for your patience. We realize that we are very late in sending these out. But hopefully this is a sign that these shipping issues we had at the end of 2023 won't carry over into 2024!!! 

Thanks all!!


Quick Shipping Update
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 09:01:09 AM

Hey all, 

Talked to our distributor. It looks as if we will be shipping these out by the end of next week (fingers crossed). That is what I have been told at this point. So, hopefully, that is accurate. 

That is all the updates I have for you at this moment, unfortunately. But at least it looks like we are really close to the finish line now. 

Thanks all!


11 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 09:29:37 AM

Hey all, 

I know it's been taking way too long on this. I don't have anything new to update you with as of this moment, but I had someone message me requesting an update, so I figured I'd let you know what was going on.  

We're waiting on this one too. We are behind on 3 of our projects right now. But we have gotten word that things are moving along. Next week our FEC Graphic Novels are supposed to be shipped, and we are hoping that our FEC 1969 books are going out right behind them. So, we promise that they are coming soon. All of the books have been waiting for a while now at the distributor. It's just a matter of getting them out to you. Like we've previously reported, they got really behind over the summer when we were supposed to ship, and it's just dominoed from there. It's effected a number of our projects, and we've gotten several of them out, with 3 left to go. Unfortunately, FEC 1969 is one of them. 

We promise we will update you as soon as we know when these are going out. Until then, we really won't have anything else to add unless something unfortunate happens (which we are definitely not expecting, so don't take the comment to mean that we are). We hope to be able to update in a couple of weeks to let you know things are coming your way, but if we don't, just know that we are still waiting here ourselves and that we aren't ignoring you.

Thanks all!