Awaiting Shipment
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 04:13:33 AM
Hey all,
I know it's been a bit. For those of you who are also backing the Graphic Novel, this is essentially the same message.
We are awaiting notification from our distributor that our books are shipping. I do know that some things happened with the distributor over the summer which got them a little backed up. To give you an idea, our Plan 59 and Teddy Scares Graphic Novels, which were supposed to have shipped by the end of August, are only going out this week. So, we are a little behind, but these are coming, we promise!
That being said, we thank you for your patience. We unfortunately don't have any news beyond this. It is just simply waiting for our turn with the distributor. Once we get word that the books are shipping we will definitely let you know.
We also know this isn't the news you wanted to hear, and for that we apologize. But these things do happen.
Thanks all!
Quick Update
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 06:40:42 PM
Hey all,
We're at Baltimore Comic Con this weekend. If you're in town, we're at booth 2209... come see us!
But we wanted to let you know. We got all the final lettered files yesterday for the PDFs. So, I just quickly compiled them and uploaded the PDF to Backerkit. So you can jump on there and grab it now.
For those of you wondering about the other digital files... those will come this week! The digital deluxe I will make after the weekend if over, and the other files I will begin uploading once we're back from the convention (so please don't start messaging us about where the digital deluxe is). So, you will get all the digital goodies this coming week!
That's it for now. It's been a long day at the con.
Thanks all!
Enter the Eldritch!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 02:19:43 AM
Check out our newest project!
The Eldritch Tales features 12 amazing short comics set in the universe created by H.P. Lovecraft. These tales are sure to frighten and horrify you at every turn. Each one has been created by a different writer and artist team and they are chilling tales of horror and intrigue that only Lovecraftian stories can provide.
You can check it out by clicking one of the links and get informed the moment we launch! Check it out! You know you want to!
Thanks all!
Quick Update
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 05:14:19 AM
Hey all!
Everything is going well with the project.
We wanted to let you know we are hoping to get the digital files out to you by the end of this week! In the meantime, everything is progressing as planned with the print copies.
We don't have any other news on that front at the moment. But it's all coming together. And we love it when a plan comes together!
Thanks all!
Introducing Christine!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 06:25:33 AM
Hey there,
We've got a cool new project to share with you that's been going for a week now and is already crushing expectations!
It's our new series called Christine!
Christine was a superhero when she was a teenager, though she's the only person who seems to remember that. When she tries to use her powers to stop a crime, they end up failing her big time. She suddenly finds herself badly injured and in the hospital where the doctor is trying to convince her these ideas of being a superhero are delusions, but that her name isn't even Christine at all.
So, is Christine just a disturbed young woman, or are the doctors up to some nefarious scheme?
Head on over and check it out!
Thanks all!